The dependence of the deflection of a planar beam truss with a complex lattice on the number of panels in the system Maple

Ruslan Alexandrovich Voropay, Evgenii Viktorovich Domanov


A statically determinable symmetric truss is uniformly loaded across the nendes of the lower chord. Triangular grille truss reinforced with additional rends. The desired formula is obtained by induction on the basis of a series of solutions for the trusses with different numbers of panels. Forces  in rods are found by cutting nodes in symbolic form in the Maple computer math system from solving a system of linear equations in a matrix form. Deflection is obtained by the formula of Maxwell - Mohr. It is assumed that all rends of the truss have the same cross-sectional area and mendulus of elasticity. Graphs of the obtained dependencies for various configurations of the truss are ploted.

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ISSN 2414-4487